Our mission The mission of Royal Oak Youth Assistance is to strengthen youth and families, and to reduce the incidence of delinquency, abuse and neglect through community involvement.
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How you help Our Organization is based on volunteer service. We rely on volunteers for mentors, service projects, set up/tear down, and much more. Volunteering can not only help those in need, but it can be personally enriching as well! Join our team today and help to make your community a better place, and ascend to the top!
About us We are a volunteer social service agency dedicated to primary and secondary prevention measures. We offer professional counseling services, skillbuilding grants, camp scholarships, mentoring and an annual youth recognition event. The purposes of the programs are: mobilization of community interest, skills and forces on behalf of children and families; involvement of local citizens in developing/improving services designed to control, treat, eliminate, and prevent delinquency, abuse and neglect; identification of social, psychological and environmental factors producing antisocial behavior; and creation of programs to assist individuals in developing skills which will decrease the likelihood of delinquent, abuse and neglect behavior occurring.
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