Our mission To reach out especially to the underprivileged and the elderly with what they have been blessed with and to encourage them in their God given dreams and talents.
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How you help We connect with many professionals, volunteers , organizations and ministries to facilitate events such as Therapeutic Riding , Cowboy Camps for Foster Care and low income families at no charge to them.
About us Miracle Meadows Ranch is a registered 501 C3 Non Profit. Our purpose is to use animal-assisted therapies and activities to reach out to our communities to bring physical, emotional, and spiritual healing through the love and, compassion of biblical-based principles. We connect with many professionals, volunteers, organizations and ministries to facilitate events such as Therapeutic Riding , Cowboy Camps for Foster Care and low-income families at no charge to them, Hope Through Horses which is a biblically-based program designed for women in need of recovery, Canine and Equine therapy visits, and numerous related activities not only for children but the elderly with Dementia and Alzheimers. We believe we can be a part of bringing hope to those who sometimes feel hopeless and improve quality of life through equine and canine-assisted activities.
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