Penrickton Center for Blind Children

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26530 Eureka Rd, Taylor, MI 48180
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Our mission

Private non-profit, providing care and support to blind, multi-disabled children and their families.



Volunteers assist in our therapy dog program, adaptive horseback riding program, and computer program. In addition, volunteers can participate in training sessions to learn to work directly with our children. We also have many volunteer opportunities that are critical to the programs success that include activities like gardening, mail processing, building and maintenance work and yard/grounds support.

  • Occasional, Weekly, Monthly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals, Groups (2-10)
  • Physical, Office work, Indoor, Outdoor
  • None, On-site, Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends
How you help

Volunteers are vital to Penrickton Center for Blind Children. The children at Penrickton Center strive towards independence through Active Learning. This is made possible by your dedication and support.

About us

Penrickton Center for Blind Children was established in the City of Taylor, Michigan in 1952 by three families as a day nursery for blind pre-schoolers because no such program existed. Through the years, Penrickton Center has constantly changed to meet the needs of visually impaired children in the Metropolitan Detroit area. In the late 1950’s, Penrickton Center added a 5-day residential program to better serve children in the community. In the early 1960’s we initiated a program to serve blind children with one additional handicap because no such program existed to meet these special needs. Currently, we specialize in working with legally blind children, ages one through twelve with a least one additional handicap such as deafness, cerebral palsy, brain damage, developmental delay, seizures, etc.