Our mission The Crim Fitness Foundation is committed to serving a leadership role in advancing the national agenda for improving health in our nation’s communities.
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How you help Be part of our better future–help us fight childhood obesity, improve our community’s health, and increase access to physical activity—right here at home. Help us encourage an attitude of positive change and hope for the future. Together we can change health, change lives, change communities!
About us The Crim Fitness Foundation cultivates accessible, vibrant communities in Flint and Genesee County that encourage people to lead healthy lifestyles by integrating physical activity, healthy eating, and mindfulness into their daily lives and mentors other communities to do the same. The Crim believes we can be a catalyst for authentic change: our response to the epidemic of childhood obesity is to provide mindfulness, physical activity and nutrition education to over 10,000 youth in the City of Flint, Genesee County, and beyond, each and every day; we see the social and economic impact of adults not finding time to be physically active, so we look for ways to offer CrimFit Adult Training Programs to meet everyone’s need; and when we see that families have nowhere to go to walk, ride their bikes, and enjoy the outdoors together, we increase our efforts toward ensuring that our communities are committed to improving our parks, that there are safe routes to school, that our streets are more bicycle-friendly, that civic and community leaders are collaborating to improve trails, signage, and more. All these things add up to a quality of life and environment that not only will benefit our families and encourage our youth to stay here and help build our 21st century economy, but will also attract energetic and creative people from everywhere to come here and make our home their home too.
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