Our mission To provide gender-specific programs and specialized services to empower, protect, encourage, and enrich the lives of men, women, their families, and communities affected by the disease of addiction. We are committed to promoting change and awareness, and reducing stigma and shame, by providing a better understanding of recovery.
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How you help Home of New Vision has lots of volunteer opportunities for people in recovery, their friends and family, and recovery allies. We host multiple events throughout the year which takes many hands to make happen. It is because of our volunteers that our events and activities are so successful. It takes a village…
About us We are a Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Treatment Agency. Home of New Vision is a leader in the field of substance use disorder treatment and a voice in the State of Michigan for over 20 years. We help people find the hope, confidence, and courage to change, leading them to a new and better vision for their future. Our experience teaches us that change is possible, that treatment works, and that recovery does happen! Home of New Vision is licensed by the Michigan Department of Community Health, Bureau of Substance Abuse and Addiction services and is accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF).
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