Humanity for Prisoners

Our mission With compassion for Michigan’s imprisoned, Humanity for Prisoners provides, promotes and ensures—with strategic partnerships— personalized, problem-solving services for incarcerated persons in order to alleviate suffering beyond the just administration of their sentences.
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How you help We are full of gratitude for our supporters, volunteers, and donors who choose to share themselves with us and, together, help us in offering one-on-one problem-solving services.
About us Personalized and compassionate problem-solving services for persons serving time in order to alleviate suffering beyond the administration of their sentences – for people who don’t know where to turn. We are people from different backgrounds and life experiences who find strength and solidarity in the work we do together. What we have in common is that we all come to Humanity for Prisoners because of our shared idea that it is right and good. We unite in our belief that all persons serving time and their loved ones deserve to be treated with humanity, kindness, and dignity without exception.
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