Lansing Eastside Community Engagement. This project includes several activities from distributing the center’s newsletter, participating in a neighborhood clean up, sorting seeds and starting seedlings for the greenhouse.
Zeta Beta Zeta’s Food Insecurity Project. The vounteers will participate in a food distribution event and provide nutrition and health information to residents.
Voulnteers will be packing spanish rice meal kits that feed a family of six. They will assist with measuring, and boxing 200,000 meals in total.
Nourishing kids to reach their potential project will host a food packing event.
Volunteers will clean up and board up several properties. In addition, volunteers will host a health and wellness resource fair for the residents of Detroit. Residents will receive safety items, food, and winter supplies along with information to help them stay safe and healthy in their community. In addition there will be fitness classes and…
The Brightmoor Botanical Garden Project will serve as a four-seasons perennial oasis. Volunteers will plant well over 2,000 seasonal perennials. Activities includes ridding site from trash and debris and working directly with our lead contractor to help lay down weed barrier fabric for our pre-planting phase.
Volunteers will prepare gardens for winter weather. In addition volunteers will do maintenance on green house tools and prepare and clean area for winter carnival event.
Volunteers will help feed those at risk for hunger.