Women, Children & Families United (W.C.F.U.)

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8000 Woodward Avenue Suite 100b, Detroit, MI 48202
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Our mission

To do the greater work of empowering BIPOC communities to make safe, healthy and sustainable choices, resulting in promising outcomes!

How you help

Becoming a W.C.F.U. volunteer helps us to leverage Community Capacity Building (CCB) in order to obtain, improve, and retain skills, knowledge, tools and other resources to do our jobs competently or to a greater capacity.

About us

Our methodology is multi-dimensional. While advocating for and actively engaging in strategies to change the systems that perpetuate generational poverty and oppression, we provide holistic supportive services to under-served, marginalized at-risk populations in order to support, empower, transform and sustain. ervice provisions include:  Holistic needs assessment and case management; development of a comprehensive service plan focused on the four areas (emotional, physical, spiritual, financial) of well-being; children and youth services; lifelong learning strategies; learning-based exploratory group and individual counseling sessions; budgeting and financial management strategies; vocational, employment and employability services; resource referrals; food and clothing assistance; women specific services; violence and crime prevention strategies.