Washtenaw County Foster Grandparent Program

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415 West Michigan Avenue Suite 2200, Ypsilanti, Mi
Phone 7345443040
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Our mission

To enrich the lives of seniors while providing children with extra support and guidance from a caring adult.

How you help

Foster Grandparents (FGs) are older adults who generously donate their time to mentor/tutor children in schools, preschools, non-profit daycare centers, and summer programs. Our volunteers come from all walks of life with diverse work experiences. FGs serve 20 hours per week, striving to help children achieve success academically, socially, and developmentally. They are the classroom “grandparents” who are there to provide additional support to struggling students.

About us

The Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) is an AmeriCorps Seniors volunteer program for older adults. We are funded through a federal grant and receive matching funds from our sponsor, Washtenaw County Government. The Foster Grandparent Program is housed within the Office of Community and Economic Development (OCED).

The Foster Grandparent Program was created in 1968 to provide an opportunity for senior volunteers to support children with special needs. Foster Grandparents have served in Washtenaw County for more than 56 years.