Our mission Starlight Ministries is a Christ centered ministry that provides opportunities for those who are grieving a death loss to experience a safe environment of caring support that promotes healing and inspires Hope for the future.
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How you help Make a difference in your community by becoming a trained peer group facilitator! We are looking for individuals 18 years or older who have a passion for sharing the HOPE of Christ to children and families who are grieving a death loss. We are asking for a commitment of at least two 6-week group units. Many hands make light work and there are always things we could use help with at Starlight Ministries such as assistance with small projects, mailings, etc. If you find yourself with some extra time we would love your helping hands! Sign up to help serve dinner to our families. Time commitment is from 5:00-7:30pm on Mondays (in Muskegon) and Thursdays (in Thursdays) and includes help setting up, serving, and clean up afterwards. Food is provided – no need to prepare the meal. Follow link to sign up to volunteer VOLUNTEER HERE.
About us On November 4, 2007, the Van Wienen’s lost their son Seth after he was struck by a car while crossing the street. At the time, the Van Wienen’s had six other school aged children. The children eventually returned to school and felt absolutely out of place… as if everyone was looking at them, talking about them and generally avoiding them. This made the death of their brother even more difficult and they felt alone. Ten months after Seth’s death they attended a day long grief camp where they were able to be with other kids their age that had experienced similar losses. After only 8 hours, the children no longer felt alone with the thoughts and emotions they had been experiencing. It was then that God placed on Greg and Jolynn’s hearts to create a place that could last longer than one day. A place where children, teens and families could feel God’s love and receive support from other grieving individuals.
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