Sound Mind Sound Body (SMSB) Foundation

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11433 Beaconsfield St, Detroit, MI 48224
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Our mission

To improve annual student persistence rates, increase high school graduation rates, and increase enrollment in programs of postsecondary education.

How you help

Volunteers commit their time to help the youth in various areas.

About us

SMSB is dedicated to reducing high school dropout rates while increasing college readiness and scholarship obtainment among students through extracurricular activities. Our Sound Mind Sound Body curriculum combines academics, athletics, and life skills development training for both students and parents to create well rounded families that understand this formula for a successful life. SMSB also offers out-of-school time (OST) programming that is used to support expanded learning opportunities, including, but not limited to, mentoring, leadership, community engagement, agriculture, visual and performing arts, literacy, science, technology, engineering, mathematics, financial literacy, health and wellness, physical fitness, recreation, career and college exploration, youth voice, 21st-century skills, conflict resolution, and social engagement programming.