Quota Grand Rapids Chapter

Our mission Quota serves people who are hard of hearing or deaf.
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How you help Quota International of Grand Rapids is a group of dedicated volunteers working together to provide service and funding to the deaf and hard of hearing in West Michigan. While service is our formal mission, we place a high priority on having fun, networking and learning, too. We have meetings once a month and also work in smaller groups to accomplish big things. Quota members include professionals at all levels of their careers – from new graduates to key community leaders to retirees.
About us With the motto of “we share,” Quotarians dedicate their efforts primarily to the service of deaf, hard of hearing and speech-impaired individuals. A secondary service mission is assistance to disadvantaged women and children. Serving others, developing friendships and promoting international understanding are values shared by all Quota members. Quota strives to serve local and global communities with an emphasis on hearing health, while providing members with opportunities for personal and professional growth.
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