Our mission To demonstrate the compassion of Jesus Christ, through rescue and restoration for anyone experiencing hunger and homelessness.
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Care Kits

We know that some people choose to stay outside but that doesn't stop us from building relationships and continuing to show up for them. Good eye contact and a warm smile often goes a long way for anyone. So when you see someone experiencing homelessness, the best place to start is with a kind smile, look them in the eyes and show that you see and value them as a person. Care kits can include items like soft, easy to eat snacks (granola bars or fruit), personal hygiene items, thick socks, and water. In the winter, consider including gloves, hats, and hand warmers. Building care kits and having them available to hand out when you encounter a person experiencing homelessness is a great idea! If you want to go out and help individuals around the community, consider tagging along on agency outreach efforts. The Mel Trotter Ministries Outreach Team goes out multiple times a week to offer resources and the compassion of Christ.
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How you help Join MTM's team of volunteers and help our vulnerable neighbors, one life at a time, overcome homelessness.
About us The Mel Trotter Ministries 2016-2020 strategic plan outlines what God has placed on our hearts for the salvation and restoration of His people, specifically those who are experiencing hunger and homelessness in the greater Grand Rapids area.
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