Our mission Keep Growing Detroit’s mission is to promote a food sovereign city where the majority of fruits and vegetables consumed by Detroiters are grown by residents within the city’s limits.
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How you help Service is a great way to get to know and support Detroit’s urban agriculture community. That’s why Keep Growing Detroit facilities hundreds of service projects for thousands of volunteers every year.
About us Our strategic approach to achieving our mission facilitates beginner gardeners becoming engaged community leaders and food entrepreneurs, addressing the immediate needs of the community while promoting sustainable change in our food system. To these ends, KGD operates a number of nationally recognized programs including the Garden Resource Program (GRP), which supports a network of 1,600 urban gardens and farms in the city and Grown in Detroit (GID), which provides urban growers with low-barrier opportunities to sell the fruits and vegetables they grow at local market outlets. KGD also operates a 1.5-acre urban farm and teaching facility located in Detroit’s historic Eastern Market District.
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