Human Development Commission

3 Central East Region
0 Reviews
429 Montague Ave, Caro, MI 48723
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Our mission

Restoring Hope by Helping People and Changing Lives.


Commodities Food Program

The Commodity Food Distribution program is in need of individuals willing to volunteer their time to pack commodity food boxes. The Commodity Food Distribution program is geared towards improving the health of low-income individuals at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods.

  • Occasional, Weekly
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Physical, Outdoor
  • None
  • Weekdays, Weekends

Thumb Area Assault Crisis Center

The Thumb Area Assault Crisis Center, a program of the Human Development Commission, is seeking individuals who would like to volunteer their time to assist with shelter activities and assist survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.

  • Occasional, Weekly
  • 55+, Adults
  • Individuals
  • Office work, Indoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends

Home Delivered Meal Drivers

We are seeking individuals who are willing to volunteer their time to deliver meals to frail and homebound senior citizens in the Huron, Sanilac and Tuscola Counties. Mileage is reimbursed at the rate of 50.5 cents per mile, plus your meal is provided.

  • Occasional, Weekly
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • Physical, Outdoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays, Weekends

RSVP Program

Thumb Area Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is one of thousands of RSVP programs across the nation, making an impact in local communities. RSVP collaborates with local non-profit organizations to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities to volunteers over age 55. Volunteers use the skills and talents they’ve developed over the years, or develop new ones while serving in a variety of volunteer opportunities in your community. Volunteers are needed in key focus areas –
Safe Seniors, Homework Heroes, Senior Transportation Drivers, Home Delivered Meals (HDM) Drivers, and Food Pantry Support.

  • Occasional, Weekly
  • 55+
  • Individuals
  • Physical, Office work, Event support, Indoor, Outdoor
  • Weekdays, Evenings, Weekends

Foster Grandparent Program

The Foster Grandparent program is seeking individuals age 55+ who live on a fixed income, who would enjoy helping children in local schools.

  • Occasional, Weekly
  • 55+
  • Individuals
  • Indoor
  • Formal
  • Weekdays
About us

HDC is one of approximately 1,000 Community Action Agencies (CAAs) serving the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. CAAs were the centerpiece of President Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty” and founded as non-profit organizations that fight poverty at the local level. CAAs cover all cities and counties in the country and are a primary source of support for low-income individuals and seniors who wish to become self-sufficient and/or live independently.