Life Challenge of Michigan

Our mission | Our mission is to provide a faith-based personal development program to individuals addicted to alcohol and or life-controlling substances. |
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How you help | Life Challenge of Michigan does not currently receive any financial support from federal, state or local governments because we are a Christ-centered program. Our support comes entirely from donations, a nominal fee and funds generated through our vocational program. |
About us | We believe that freedom from life-controlling addictions can be accomplished through the healing power of Jesus Christ. We believe that it is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His Father that we receive the strength, wisdom, and power from the Holy Spirit to heal, grow and maintain sobriety in our lives. If you have tried many things in the past to get free from your life-controlling problems and found out in the end that it just wasn’t enough… If you are tired of the relapses, the loss, and the horrible nightmare of addiction… If you have recognized the need for a change in your life, are willing to accept the tools needed for change, and have the motivation to use these tools on a daily basis, then there is hope for you, and you can and will indeed be free from all addiction with His help. |