Winning Futures

2S, Detroit
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580 Kirts Blvd Suite 320, Troy, MI 48084
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Our mission

We empower students aged 14 to 23 to achieve success and positively impact their families, communities, and workplaces through a seven-year workforce prep mentoring program.


Career Mentor for Metro Detroit High School Students

Career Mentors are volunteers from the Metro Detroit business community. With training and support from Winning Futures staff, they participate with students in one-hour sessions, providing them with coaching and positive feedback. Each session starts with a Winning Futures staff member who leads a 5-10-minute lesson. Then career mentors participate with students in a guided discussion and participate in structured and fun activities that reinforce the day’s lesson. All sessions are held at the student’s school, during the school day, and in a classroom with other career mentors, students, teachers, and administrators present. Topics include career exploration, life and job-readiness skills development, academic and career planning, and goal setting.

  • Monthly, Recurring
  • Adults
  • Individuals
  • In Person
  • Formal
  • Weekdays
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How you help

With help from volunteer career mentors, we help Metro Detroit high school students get excited about their futures, learn life and job-readiness skills, and develop education and career plans and goals. Students enter the program in 10th grade and continue through four years of college, trade school, or other continuing education. Our 10th through 12th grade one-hour sessions are held at participating high schools, during the regular school day, and with teachers, administrators, and other students and career mentors present. Each session starts with a brief lesson that is taught by a staff member, then volunteer career mentors participate with their students in a fun and structured activity that reinforces the day’s lesson. Career mentors are from the business community who coach and provide supportive encouragement to students as they progress through our program. All career mentors receive training before our programmatic year starts and ongoing support before, during, and after every session.

About us

We believe every young person has the potential to succeed and become a positive influence in their family and community. Many students face challenges that hinder their progress. That’s where we help. Beginning in 10th grade, we guide students through high school and four years of college or trade school. We provide them with a volunteer career mentor from the business community and help them explore careers, set goals, and learn life and job-readiness skills. Our students attend high schools in Detroit, Harper Woods, Hazel Park, Warren, Sterling Heights, and Pontiac. Our continuing education students attend colleges and trade schools nationwide. Since 1994, we have helped more than 50,500 students and awarded $2.2 million in scholarships. Researchers at the University of Michigan and Saginaw Valley State University found that our program has a statistically significant impact on students and deemed the program evidence-based.